A mosh posh of assignments and projects done while enrolled in Ohio University's School of Media Arts & Studies
Monday, May 21, 2012
What's on My Mind
Sunday, May 13, 2012
1. Using the blog as a home base for all your efforts. I believe this is a useful point because blogs seem to work as an informal way to communicate with customers. Using it as an outlet for what you are moving towards or trying to accomplish as a company, only shows your customers that you are actively trying to improve your business.
2. build an editorial calendar. This is good advice because when you are blogging it is good to have some sort of agenda and time schedule for your posts. This way you can time your posts in order to go along with whats going on in your business or outside the business, further showing your followers that you are up to date on your blog
3. update other social media every 3 weeks. This is smart because it is likely that your facebook or twitter will be linked up to your blog. You don't want your followers seeing that you only update your blog and neglect the rest of your media outlets, this can cause you to lose some credibility.
4. use social media as hiring outlets. I like this idea because it reminds me of my friends sister who got hired by a company due to her twitter account dealing with a business she was involved at the time. It is also a good way to find people through blogs and active social media stes.
5. revist a month of posts and see what you've covered the least. This will help you to cover the things you have touched on the least and recover those things so that you are not repeating yourself and that you are not leaving empty spaces in what you are blogging about.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
What's Is On My Mind...
The trip will be help in Letterkenny, Ireland, which is pretty far north. It is a small town much like Athens, with a big art and "hip" presence. If my intentions to start the blog come through I will make sure to attatch a link to this blog as well for whomever might be interested in following my adventures. In the mean time here is a little sneak peak to where I will be living for 10 weeks this summer....
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Thus Far,
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Blog Critique

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Wikis: Wack or Wonderful?

Thursday, April 5, 2012
Out With the Old- In With the New
As I think about my actual use of social media, I immediately think of Facebook. Shocker right? But in reality I am hooked. It is by far my most frequented web site and could even compete for the lead consumer of most of my time out of class. How sad. So, WHY DO I LIKE FACEBOOK? Hm, good question. Well, there is the fact that it has almost every picture of my ever taken, as well of all the pictures of everyone I have ever met, and who doesn't love a good photo album. Aside from the pictures being entertaining, they allow me to keep tabs on people without even having to talk or in this case comment to them personally. For this use, being to keep up with friends, Facebook is a great tool and totally functional. If I want to upload an album I can do it in no time and my friends can keep up with what I am doing. If I want to look at my friends pictures all I have to do is click on the picture. It even has the home page that is customized to who's pages I frequent the most. I hardly have to do any searching myself!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I chose to take this course in social media for a number of different reasons. First being that I am a media management major I think it is important to have a background in social media because it is becoming so prominent in every industry. I also chose to take this class because I do not know much about social media and am not as engaged as I believe I could be. I have always been a user of social media but I have never really been one to keep up with it as actively as some of my peers do. I am known in my social group as the one that no one depends on to respond facebook messages or twitter posts. I actually just recently gotten a twitter account and I can proudly say I have accomplished almost 200 tweet in 4 months! As I enter the media world specifically in the are of management I understand that many entry jobs deal with social media and it may be necessary or at least beneficial for me to have a background in using different media outlets.
I am hoping that this class can help me to use social media in a way that is able to promote any causes that I may endorse or that I am truly passionate about. I do not think I will ever think of social media in a way of self promotion so I am hoping to use it as a tool to promote causes that can actually change something in the world instead of being, as a very clever friend has once tweeted, “glorified spam.”
I chose to enter the media world due to the enless growth and excitement that surround it. It is an industry that, I feel more than most, embraces change and is able to make a difference on a global scale.