Thursday, March 29, 2012

I chose to take this course in social media for a number of different reasons. First being that I am a media management major I think it is important to have a background in social media because it is becoming so prominent in every industry. I also chose to take this class because I do not know much about social media and am not as engaged as I believe I could be. I have always been a user of social media but I have never really been one to keep up with it as actively as some of my peers do. I am known in my social group as the one that no one depends on to respond facebook messages or twitter posts. I actually just recently gotten a twitter account and I can proudly say I have accomplished almost 200 tweet in 4 months! As I enter the media world specifically in the are of management I understand that many entry jobs deal with social media and it may be necessary or at least beneficial for me to have a background in using different media outlets.

I am hoping that this class can help me to use social media in a way that is able to promote any causes that I may endorse or that I am truly passionate about. I do not think I will ever think of social media in a way of self promotion so I am hoping to use it as a tool to promote causes that can actually change something in the world instead of being, as a very clever friend has once tweeted, “glorified spam.”

I chose to enter the media world due to the enless growth and excitement that surround it. It is an industry that, I feel more than most, embraces change and is able to make a difference on a global scale.

1 comment:

  1. I chose to comment on this post simply because of the sweet pics of the Golden Girls and Fresh Price. I can't say that I've watched too many episodes of the Golden Girls, but anything with Betty White has got to be quality. As for Fresh Price...Will Smith is my boy. Keep up the awesome blogging and random pictures!
