Thursday, April 5, 2012

As I mentioned in my last post my goal for this quarter is to embrace social media as something other than just "glorified spam." I realize that as a media major I should be actively involved in the social media world and wanting to spread my comments and opinions on anything and everything; unfortunately I am not one who particularly enjoys checking into these sites as often as I should. This could possibly be blamed on my lack of a smart phone although I do have access to twitter and facebook on my "dumb" phone, but I do not recieve notifications, I can just post on the sites through text messages (state of the arc stuff, I know).
As for my goals for this particular blog, I am really hoping to get hooked on blogging because I think it is something that can be very useful in establishing a web presence, as well as a good way to get in contact with other people out there who may have similar or even different opinions that myself. I think just by having a blog that I (although it is required for this course) am constantly looking at an updating, will at least put me in the proximity of this social media monster that I have been avoiding for so long. I am also hoping this blog will help me to get some feedback as to how I interact on the web. And when I say interact I really mean how I express myself via text and characters. I find it interesting to get other peoples opinions of how I am perceived on the web so I hope that if you're reading my posts that you give a little comment just to see what you think or just to say wazup.

In an attempt to learn more about the blogger site I added a few gadgets at the bottom of my blog in order to give my readers some more links to other interests I may have. I chose to do a list of blogs I am looking at (although I have not yet added any) because I feel that if a reader likes what I am posting, it is likely they will like some of the other things I am looking at. I also chose to add a headline reel because I find it important to stay as updated as possible with current events, so why not make it easer for my readers (as well as myself) to do so! I am still working out the placement and design of the blog, but for now, I think it works. It may even give you a reason to scroll down my whole blog!

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